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Slime Care

Slimes become sticky due to weather change. Before you play with it make sure to poke it with one finger is the slime becomes glue you will need to add some activator before playing with it.


How To Make Activator/Fix Sticky Slime

  • Take one teaspoon of borax and 1 cup of warm water.
  • Put one teaspoon of borax into 1 cup of warm water.
  • Mix the borax well into the cup of warm water, it should turn clear.
  • Add the activator to the slime slowly so it won’t over activate.
  • Knead the slime so there is no clumps.
  • Clear slime might take a few days to become clear again when you mix the activator into it.

How To Play With Slime

  • Wash your hands. Slime sticks to dirty hands.
  • Clean the surface you’re gonna play in.
  • Please put up your hair so the slime won’t have any hairs in it.
  • Handel the slime quickly so it won’t stick to you.

Tips For Slime

White Glue:

Hard? Add some lotion so it can become softer.
Sticky? Add some activator slowly and knead it till there are no clumps.
Still Sticky? At one point slime is just too damaged to be over activated like, if you add too much water it will not activate, and if you leave it to sit in the sun for 2-7 months the slime might not come back to its regular slime form.
Floam Beads Falling out? This happens if you over activate your slime, try to add lotion to the slime if it doesn’t work just let it sit and it will fix itself.

Clear Glue:

Hard? Add little by little hair gel into it, if it doesn’t work just let it sit for a few days or weeks so it can soften up again.
Sticky? Add some activator slowly and knead it till there are no clumps.
Still Sticky? At one point slime is just too damaged to be over activated like, if you add too much water it will not activate, and if you leave it to sit in the sun for 2-7 months the slime might not come back to its regular slime form.
Beads Falling Out This happens if you over activate your slime, just let it sit and it will fix itself.

Tips For Cloud Slime

Snow Fallout?
This is not fixable this is because it’s impossible to make a could slime that leaves no residue or snow in your hands or counter.
Try to add lotion.
Not drizzling?
This happens if you don’t “fluff up” the cloud slime. Make sure you “fluff up” the cloud slime until there are no clumps and then it should drizzle perfectly.
It might need activator, add little by little activator, and kneed it until it pulls together. If none of these tips help you, you need to know that slime has a limited life span and you might not be able to fix it.
  • Slime is not edible.
  • Slime will deflate over time, it’s normal.
  • Keep slime away from pets, cloth, wood tables.
  • Children underage should have parent supervision when playing with slime.